Thursday, December 9, 2010

Winter Wonderland

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

I am glad that this semester is drawing to a close.

Unlike many people I have come across, I’m not stressing out. Like, at all. The boyfriend, for one, has to write the Encore Paper, two Core Papers, finish his Portfolio for Freshman Writing, practice his Chinese, write a Term Paper and do a homework for Microeconomics. That’s on top of studying for finals.

All I have to do is write a three page paper for Core that’s due on the day of the final. Plus turn in the Encore paper. And then light study for three final exams. Most of them are open notes. I almost feel bad when I say this to people.

Key words there are almost.

I like being on top of things. My Core paper is planned out, just waited to be typed up. My Encore paper is four pages and is quietly sitting on my desk, waiting for me to turn it into the box office. My Portfolio is safely in the hands of my writing teacher. My Philosophy of Education paper is being graded as we speak, and I already gave my final presentation for Psychology. I must admit, it feels weird not being under stress. But, I kind of like it.

Finals shouldn’t be that bad. I’m given a little time at work to study, and then studying at night to, so I should be in good shape.

I am getting very excited for this break though. I get to see my best friends from home. We haven’t all been together since September and we’re very excited about having our own little Christmas party together, just the four of us.

Then, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be spending New Years with the boyfriends family. His aunt and uncle have a house up in Vermont that we spent fourth of July at over the summer and it was a great time. But since it will probably be snowing on the mountain, I’m going to be learning how to snowboard. I’m really excited about this. I got most of the stuff I need for cheap, thanks to eBay and the boyfriend being a pack rat and not getting rid of his old equipment.

Let’s hope that I won’t ring in the New Year with any broken bones! =]

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