Monday, December 6, 2010

20 Things Not To Do In Class

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

Being in school for the past thirteen years of my life has caused me to reflect upon what to and not to do in class. Some seem to be pretty obvious, but some people still tend to not notice the obvious points. So I’ll point them out here.

  1. Smack your Gum
    Please. This annoys everyone in the class because it’s just plan gross. No one wants to see what’s in your mouth.
  2. Paint your nails
    Not only is the smell obnoxious, your manicure/pedicure won’t come out looking too well.
  3. Plan out your outfit for the next day
    Or for the next week. Just…no.
  4. Doodle
    This is often the go to distraction because it looks like you’re taking notes. But then you have to explain to everybody what you are drawing, and that opens up a whole new set of questions
  5. Do your hair
    It will probably just mess up the style you spent an hour in front of the mirror that morning. Especially if you’re a guy.
  6. Do your neighbors hair
    You’ll probably get a taste of their patented ‘WTF’ look.
  7. Write lists
    Cause then you’ll start to write what the teacher says, and then it becomes *gasp* notes! On second thought, scratch this one from the list.
  8. Use your desk as a drum set, with the person in front of you as a high hat
    Again you’ll see the patented ‘WTF’ look.
  9. Write a paper that is due for the class you have right after the one you are in now
    You've probably failed the paper anyway, because it’s not up on ANGEL, so why bother?
  10. Throw things
    There are so many lawsuits that could be involved with this…
  11. Daydream
    You mind goes to places you don’t want it to go.
  12. Sleep
    This is here for obvious reasons. However, if you must fall asleep, please don’t…
  13. Snore
    Or fall asleep leaning over your desk, or leaning over the side so far that people start to take bets on how long it takes you to fall out of your chair. Trust me.
  14. Adjust your underwear
    Just…please…no. Go to the bathroom if you must.
  15. Clean out your bag
    No one wants to see (or smell) your three month old gym socks.
  16. Read a ‘for fun’ book
    This might seem like a good idea, but it really isn’t. The teacher can tell right away that you’re not paying attention.
  17. Play dots or tic tac toe with your friends
    It’s fun, but really obvious.
  18. Text
    See above.
  19. Surf the internet
    Teachers in college have gotten wise to this, and often there’s no wifi in classrooms =[
  20. Write your next blog.

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