Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis The Season!... For Work!

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

It is wonderful how two stressful events seem to coincide with each other. We have finals right before Christmastime. So with studying for Finals, writing term papers, and packing up (to hopefully move into a bigger room…yay!), I also have to worry about Christmas shopping. Even on top of all of that, I have a cold that just doesn’t want to disappear.

I’m not really as negative as I sound.

I am really excited for the Christmas Season. Already the Campus center is decorated with trees, purple and white tulle, and ornaments everywhere. It kind of brings a little magic to the campus. Now, if we could have snow instead of this horrid rain, the picture would be complete. Plus I have most of my Christmas shopping done. And I got most gifts pretty cheap. I am a college student after all. My favorite bargain? I bought one of my best friends a white gold and diamond necklace from Zales for $20. It’s really pretty and I knew she’d like it, so I had no qualms about buying it already.

My favorite part of getting ready for Christmas this year is buying my own Christmas tree. I know, it’s Elmira, so a purple tree with purple lights would seem to be in order, right? Not for me. I had to be different. So in front of my window, I have a pink feathered Christmas tree. It is so tacky I love it.

In between Christmas shopping trips, I’ve been getting ready for the end of the term. Right now, next to me, I have a list of due dates for term papers. And they’re in chronological order, so I know what to do first. That little list has made me stay sane these past couple of days, you have no idea.

Plus it’s also nice to have the satisfaction of putting a big black Sharpie line through an assignment that you are so happy to be done with. That’s my favorite part actually.

And this blog was a part on a my list which shall now be crossed off with my Sharpie, because my little study break is over and it is time to get back to the Wonderful Land of Psychology.

Here’s my ‘tree’. Bonus points if you can tell me what time the picture was taken at ;-)

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