Sunday, November 14, 2010

Puppies, Kittens, and Taxis… Oh my!

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

Working at the IT desk, means I have to do a lot of tutorials that explain how to do certain things on certain computer programs. We do this so we can answer questions, and show students what to do if they have a question about a particular program. One day, I had to make a PowerPoint Project on any topic that I wanted as long as it included certain elements that were given to me. I started out doing a serious topic, like on a book or something. Then I figured, screw this. I then made a purple and gold PowerPoint on why puppies are cute.

No lie.

One of my supervisors laughed so hard she almost cried. It gave me the warm fuzzies, which I love.

A lot of people at college love puppies. Every paper I have written where I have referenced them I have gotten high makes. When I don’t mention them, I get lower marks. It’s kind of funny.

I was able to see a real live puppy a few days ago. A couple of my friends and I took the bus to the mall to get some going out clothes, as well as winter clothes. I found some really cute boots, but that’s beside the point. We spent the most time in the puppy store. We almost stole a puppy. They looked so cute and looked so cuddly. My favorite was a Maltese. Too bad I couldn’t convince my RLC to get a dorm puppy. Everybody would love it. Or a dorm kitty. Kittens are adorable. The pet store had a black and white tuxedo kitten that would mew as it clung to your jacket. We had to frisk my friend to make sure she didn’t steal him as we left.

So puppies and kittens make days so much better. Surprisingly, they were the best part of the shopping trip. Remember how I said we took the bus there? Yeah, the bus driver lied about where he said he would pick us up. So we were standing outside in 30 degree weather waiting for the bus that never showed. It was 8 at night. The next bus came at 10. We weren’t going to wait that long. The only thing we could do was call a taxi. Not a very happy prospect for broke college students.

The puppies and kittens were great at perking us up. Plus around that time, my mom told me we might be getting a kitten soon. So I will still have one. Makes going home for thanksgiving break even better now.

A little excerpt from my Power Point for you. =]

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