October has flown by and November is going even faster. It’s hard to believe that I’m almost done my first Term at Elmira College. It feels like just yesterday I was receiving my beanie and wandering around the campus completely lost and clueless. It’s so funny how easily Elmira has turned into my home.
I remember how weird it felt to walk out of my dorm room and see the long hallway that housed many other Elmira College residents and thinking that I couldn’t possibly be staying here with all these people. It felt like I was living in a hotel, without the room service. Now that feeling’s gone. It’s so normal and natural to live among so many others that I find being alone uncomfortable. The workload I remember being so stressful now seems more manageable than before and most importantly I feel like I’ve gained knowledge on topics I never thought I would know anything about.
Thanks to the Freshman Writing Program I can write a two-page paper in less than an hour and a five- page paper in two hours. My Intro to Literature class has given me more of an appreciation for different kinds of literature such as: Victorian and Greek. Also, that class has taught me how to really analyze a work of fiction. My dance class has offered me an opportunity to learn about the different dance styles of different cultures while attempting to keep me physically fit and Encore has allowed me to experience different kinds of music such as: Baroque, Japanese Drums, and Folk.
It’s been a crazy three months. I’ve spent at least 15-20 hours a week in the library doing homework and working on my twenty-page paper, which is finally finished! I’ve had absolutely no days to sleep in because my schedule is so hectic. There have been some nights where I’ve only gotten three hours of sleep because there’s so much work to do. And then there were those days that I wondered what the hell I was thinking! I wasn’t smart enough for college!
Looking back, though, I see it was worth it. All the laughs I’ve shared, the memories I’ve made, and the mountains I’ve climbed have changed my life indefinitely. Although I’ve made many sacrifices during my first Term at Elmira College, such as sleep deprivation, weight gain, and hardly any down time, I’ve never felt stronger or more confident in myself than I do now. Elmira College has given me an education, not only in topics relevant to the classroom, but on life. And I feel that’s what an education, not only an Elmira education, but any college education gives you. It’s a step away from the uncomfortable teen years to the strong and confident adult years. College provides you with important lessons in the classroom and in life and I’m looking forward to more of those lessons as I continue my education.
How wonderful that you are aware of all that you are gaining from EC!! Great blog!