Tuesday, November 9, 2010


By: Daniel Patrick Moriarity '14

If I was asked to make a list of the top seven most American things to do it would look like this:
  1. Play Baseball
  2. Eat American Pie
  3. Play Football
  4. Watch Football
  5. Fly the American Flag
  6. Shoot off fireworks on Independence Day
  7. Vote
Many things are essential to the iconic American lifestyle, but one of the most important is the right to vote. This nation’s democratic system of electing officials has been one of America’s trademark qualities for over two centuries. Turning eighteen and officially becoming an adult is an exciting time in a teen’s life for many reasons, but for me it never really hit home until my first official vote. I remember walking down the hallway of my high school to the auditorium, like I have dozens of times before, but when I saw the registration table and the booth the realization hit me that I was in fact eighteen: I was a man.

That scene will forever live in my memory, and since that day, I feel I have gained a deeper understanding of why I should be proud to be an America, and why I should be proud to have the right to vote. With this new mindset, my roommate and I decided to celebrate the coming of yesterday’s election with a trip to the local K-Mart. Actually, the two originally had no connection… originally. But when we went to K-Mart, we found THIS (look below); a limited edition President Obama chia pet! Not only do we get another novelty decoration for our room, but we also get to give our room a little bit of American pride just in time for the 2010 election, and all for nder twenty bucks! God Bless America!

Ch-bama (bald)

We call the fully grown Ch-Bama “Post-office Ch-bama” because for some unknown reason, the hair directly on the top of his head won’t grow”

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