Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Time is here

By: Tyler Cuddeback '14

It’s time for the holidays again. A time for giving thanks for what you have, and showing thanks to the friends you’ve made. It’s a time for families and friends to get together and share their stories and traditions. It’s a time for buying an insane amount of presents. And, at least on the Elmira College Campus, it’s a time for showing just a little extra spirit.

Located around campus are many different departments that are showing some, not only, holiday spirit, but, also, school spirit by having purple and gold decorated Christmas Trees. As an FYI, I’m going to say Christmas instead of “Holiday” because I celebrate Christmas, and, no offence, I don’t care what you celebrate. Anyway, there are about a dozen Purple Christmas trees on campus.

(Athletic Dept.)
From little desk sized trees like the one above to person sized trees like the one below


Even Buildings and Grounds are getting into the Christmas spirit with a giant display of pine and purple.

Up in Hamilton hall, Admissions advisors are hanging their stocking by the fire with care

Dr. Meier is even getting into the holiday spirit!

All of this Christmas Spirit has prompted me to buy my own tree.
(Ando 102)
Yes, it’s a purple Christmas Tree.

Other places around campus have trees and decorations as well. Others are awaiting until it’s closer to Christmas to unveil their decorations like Clarke Health Center. I can’t wait to see what they have in store. There are 18 days left until most of us go home for the Holidays. Let’s make the best of it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now

By: Emily Oshinskie '14

As I went to take a shower the other day, I began singing one of my favorite songs from the musical Hairspray, “Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now.” I was simply humming this song to myself because it is a song I’m dancing to the finale of the Orchesis show on Wednesday and Thursday. However, I only just figured out the irony as I am sitting in the library typing up an essay for Foundations of Ed. I am a big girl now. I have been at Elmira College for close to three months! Part of me is filled with disbelief, and the other part of me can’t remember a time when I didn’t buy ice cream from Sweeney’s or sit in the Gannet-Tripp library, typing away madly at the next freshman writing assignment.

It’s crazy how quickly you learn to adapt to college. Don’t get me wrong, I have been homesick at times, but I assure you that change is always for the better. Now that I’m in college, I do my laundry more often than I did at home. Sorry Mom. It’s also awesome to have the convenience to eat whenever I want. However, this does not give me the excuse to walk over to Mack’s at 11:15pm and grab a slice of pizza and fries just because I can. I would advise that you only eat when you’re hungry. My friends and I have created “Fat Fridays” in honor of our mindful and healthy food choices throughout the week. Independence is a beautiful thing.

Tonight was the first Orchesis show and my debut on the Gibson Theatre stage! I was in a lyrical dance called ‘The Waves’ and it was beautiful…..until I cut my foot. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but I must have stepped on something sharp as I danced on stage. Luckily I got through my whole dance! Afterall, the show must go on! It was a great show and one of the most popular Encore events!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just A Few Days

By: Paige Kleinfelder '14

With less than a week to go before making the long drive home for Thanksgiving break, I find myself looking for any excuse to get out of my dorm. The sport events, the SAB events, and movies in friends’ rooms all sound better than looking at my 20-page paper any more. So last Saturday the allure of winning money brought me and my friends out to take part in the SAB Big Four Theme Night. There was human bowling, oversized Operation, three-person air hockey, a cash cube, and lastly, a giant pillow fight game. I hadn’t planned on doing the bowling or pillow fight but I was quickly pulled to the games. My friend Josh practically picked me up and set me down at the pillow fighting.

So we attempted to figure out how to put on the head gear, which we both had on backwards at first, and prepared for battle. It was a tough fight, but I won.

Last night after finishing my final Freshmen Writing paper I headed over to watch the guy’s basketball game against SUNY Cortland. And even though we didn’t manage a win, it was still a fun game. Hanging out with friends, cheering on your school, and seeing all the purple and gold in the stands: it makes for a good Tuesday night. So now it is only three days, a few more sporting events, an auction, one more paper, the talent show, and then I am on my way home which will mean nine splendid days out of my dorm room and away from long papers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


By: Daniel Patrick Moriarity '14

Bob Marley once said “One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain.” In a sense, music is like auditory nicotine; almost everybody is strongly attached to one brand or another of music. People have an intense connection with the music they listen to; by the teenage years it usually has become an integral part of their identity. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone through a friend’s Facebook or MySpace accounts and seen “Music is my life” under their “About Me” section. While I won’t go so far as to say it’s my life, I do have a deep connection with the music I listen to.

That being said, I do not like to wait for my music: be it because it’s my little brother’s turn with the radio, YouTube won’t stinkin’ load, or my preordered CD doesn’t show up on time. This was exactly the case roughly a month and a half ago, when I preordered the new Lecrae CD, Rehab. I was so pumped for getting this CD, along with the hoodie, wristband, and stickers that were coming with it that I was talking about it weeks in advance. Only, on its release date, when I ran to the post office after Intro to Psych, it wasn’t there. I shrugged it off and went home to download the digital a capella and instrumental tracks that were included in my purchase because I got the deluxe version and listened to a couple of them. I made sure to not listen to the digital album tracks, I wanted to save those for when I put the actual CD in for the first time. Unfortunately, the next day the CD wasn’t there either, or the day after that, or the day after that… I slowly began growing paranoid that my package was sent to the wrong P.O. Box and somebody made off with my new CD. I had dreams of finding somebody walking about in a Rehab hoodie and attacking them like a savage animal. These feelings slowly grew over the course of nearly two weeks until my package finally came in: It was worth the wait.

Rehab is by far my favorite rap CD of all time, and probably in my top 5 of any genre. In fact it’s so good, that the week after Thanksgiving I’m going to dedicate an hour and a half of my radio show, The Elevator, to playing the whole CD. I’m also going to look into the possibility of having a contest during the show to give away a Rehab CD to one of our listeners. If you’re interested in learning about this awesome new CD look up “Killa” on YouTube and be sure to listen in Monday the 30th at 7:00 p.m. to Carrie and I on The Elevator. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

An Education

By: Rachel Masselle '14

October has flown by and November is going even faster. It’s hard to believe that I’m almost done my first Term at Elmira College. It feels like just yesterday I was receiving my beanie and wandering around the campus completely lost and clueless. It’s so funny how easily Elmira has turned into my home.

I remember how weird it felt to walk out of my dorm room and see the long hallway that housed many other Elmira College residents and thinking that I couldn’t possibly be staying here with all these people. It felt like I was living in a hotel, without the room service. Now that feeling’s gone. It’s so normal and natural to live among so many others that I find being alone uncomfortable. The workload I remember being so stressful now seems more manageable than before and most importantly I feel like I’ve gained knowledge on topics I never thought I would know anything about.

Thanks to the Freshman Writing Program I can write a two-page paper in less than an hour and a five- page paper in two hours. My Intro to Literature class has given me more of an appreciation for different kinds of literature such as: Victorian and Greek. Also, that class has taught me how to really analyze a work of fiction. My dance class has offered me an opportunity to learn about the different dance styles of different cultures while attempting to keep me physically fit and Encore has allowed me to experience different kinds of music such as: Baroque, Japanese Drums, and Folk.

It’s been a crazy three months. I’ve spent at least 15-20 hours a week in the library doing homework and working on my twenty-page paper, which is finally finished! I’ve had absolutely no days to sleep in because my schedule is so hectic. There have been some nights where I’ve only gotten three hours of sleep because there’s so much work to do. And then there were those days that I wondered what the hell I was thinking! I wasn’t smart enough for college!

Looking back, though, I see it was worth it. All the laughs I’ve shared, the memories I’ve made, and the mountains I’ve climbed have changed my life indefinitely. Although I’ve made many sacrifices during my first Term at Elmira College, such as sleep deprivation, weight gain, and hardly any down time, I’ve never felt stronger or more confident in myself than I do now. Elmira College has given me an education, not only in topics relevant to the classroom, but on life. And I feel that’s what an education, not only an Elmira education, but any college education gives you. It’s a step away from the uncomfortable teen years to the strong and confident adult years. College provides you with important lessons in the classroom and in life and I’m looking forward to more of those lessons as I continue my education.

The Plan for Tuesday

By: Paige Kleinfelder '14

Even though college is all about getting an education, learning to be on your own, and determining the course for your future, it is also about the relationships you make. There are a few things to keep in mind for friendships on campus:

First, making plans is a good thing. It ensures that homework can be done, that no one is left out, and that, most importantly, everyone isn’t scattered around campus frantically calling each other at the last minute.

At 7:50 Tuesday night, as almost everyone else found seats in Speidel gymnasium to see Ralphie May and TJ Miller at the Big Event, I was walking across campus to the cottages to watch Glee.
The original plan had changed from watching it in Towers to watching it at Cottages.

This brings up the second step of making plans and keeping friendships. When the plans change, which they inevitably will, make sure everyone knows. So, if Glee starts at 8pm, and the location changes ten minutes beforehand, text everyone who is not there yet.

Third, there isn’t much that can’t be solved by breaking into song. Now I don’t mean the kind where people in the cafeteria suddenly stand up and go into a complex dance routine with song. But a Katy Perry cover from Glee is sometimes is exactly what you need to sing skipping back across campus to smooth over the anger exuding from your friend when you forget to follow step two.

My night may not have had the laughs spawned by comedians, but there were still laughs, a few tears brought on by the episode, and a night that goes down as being one of my favorite college lessons so far.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

That Simeon Benjamin knows how to throw a party!

By: Emily Oshinskie '14

I waited all week for the “Benjamin Simeon’s Hoe Down Throw Down” theme dinner. No joke. I mean what college student passes up free food? Plus, I could not miss out on the chance to dress up as a cowgirl with a few of my friends. Between eating cornbread and chocolate covered apples and riding the mechanical bull and dancing to some country music, the Hoe Down was the place to be. Every year there are different themes for the dinners. So if country music is not your thing, don’t worry.

At Elmira, it is hard to find people without any school spirit, and that is why I love it here. My classmates, friends and professors are not afraid to show their Elmira pride. The spirit originates not only with the founding of the college and its traditions, but also with Dr. Meier and his wife, also Dr. Meier and their commitment to showing up to basketball games and Encore events. Whether it ‘s Mountain Day, Octagon Fair, Fall Orientation, or a sporting event, you’ll definitely see Mrs. Dr. Meier taking pictures. The spirit here is contagious, and if you haven’t caught the EC bug, you definitely will soon!

With all that’s been going on, I cannot even start to think about Thanksgiving break. Orchesis starts dress rehearsal tomorrow for next week’s Encore performances! I’m getting a little nervous, but I know that we will put on two amazing performances! Orchesis is a group for any dancer-whether the only dancing you do is when you’re jamming out in front of your mirror, or whether you do as much dancing as a professional ballerina, then this group is for you. Well, I’m off to a good night’s sleep before Orchesis tech week starts tomorrow!

You cannot help but get into the Elmira spirit!

Puppies, Kittens, and Taxis… Oh my!

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

Working at the IT desk, means I have to do a lot of tutorials that explain how to do certain things on certain computer programs. We do this so we can answer questions, and show students what to do if they have a question about a particular program. One day, I had to make a PowerPoint Project on any topic that I wanted as long as it included certain elements that were given to me. I started out doing a serious topic, like on a book or something. Then I figured, screw this. I then made a purple and gold PowerPoint on why puppies are cute.

No lie.

One of my supervisors laughed so hard she almost cried. It gave me the warm fuzzies, which I love.

A lot of people at college love puppies. Every paper I have written where I have referenced them I have gotten high makes. When I don’t mention them, I get lower marks. It’s kind of funny.

I was able to see a real live puppy a few days ago. A couple of my friends and I took the bus to the mall to get some going out clothes, as well as winter clothes. I found some really cute boots, but that’s beside the point. We spent the most time in the puppy store. We almost stole a puppy. They looked so cute and looked so cuddly. My favorite was a Maltese. Too bad I couldn’t convince my RLC to get a dorm puppy. Everybody would love it. Or a dorm kitty. Kittens are adorable. The pet store had a black and white tuxedo kitten that would mew as it clung to your jacket. We had to frisk my friend to make sure she didn’t steal him as we left.

So puppies and kittens make days so much better. Surprisingly, they were the best part of the shopping trip. Remember how I said we took the bus there? Yeah, the bus driver lied about where he said he would pick us up. So we were standing outside in 30 degree weather waiting for the bus that never showed. It was 8 at night. The next bus came at 10. We weren’t going to wait that long. The only thing we could do was call a taxi. Not a very happy prospect for broke college students.

The puppies and kittens were great at perking us up. Plus around that time, my mom told me we might be getting a kitten soon. So I will still have one. Makes going home for thanksgiving break even better now.

A little excerpt from my Power Point for you. =]

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


By: Daniel Patrick Moriarity '14

If I was asked to make a list of the top seven most American things to do it would look like this:
  1. Play Baseball
  2. Eat American Pie
  3. Play Football
  4. Watch Football
  5. Fly the American Flag
  6. Shoot off fireworks on Independence Day
  7. Vote
Many things are essential to the iconic American lifestyle, but one of the most important is the right to vote. This nation’s democratic system of electing officials has been one of America’s trademark qualities for over two centuries. Turning eighteen and officially becoming an adult is an exciting time in a teen’s life for many reasons, but for me it never really hit home until my first official vote. I remember walking down the hallway of my high school to the auditorium, like I have dozens of times before, but when I saw the registration table and the booth the realization hit me that I was in fact eighteen: I was a man.

That scene will forever live in my memory, and since that day, I feel I have gained a deeper understanding of why I should be proud to be an America, and why I should be proud to have the right to vote. With this new mindset, my roommate and I decided to celebrate the coming of yesterday’s election with a trip to the local K-Mart. Actually, the two originally had no connection… originally. But when we went to K-Mart, we found THIS (look below); a limited edition President Obama chia pet! Not only do we get another novelty decoration for our room, but we also get to give our room a little bit of American pride just in time for the 2010 election, and all for nder twenty bucks! God Bless America!

Ch-bama (bald)

We call the fully grown Ch-Bama “Post-office Ch-bama” because for some unknown reason, the hair directly on the top of his head won’t grow”

Go Away Rain, and Take the Snow With You

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

The first thing I said to my roommate this morning was ‘if you don’t have good news, don’t talk to me’.

She laughed and said that she understood, and that she felt the same way.

Today just didn’t start off on the right foot. At. All. Thursday’s are never fun because they are supposed to start a 7 in the morning. I say supposed to because that’s when I wake up. And I usually do… but not today. I didn’t hear it and overslept it by 40 minutes.

Running to freshman writing in the pouring rain, wearing sweats, rain boots and a non-Elmira sweatshirt is not fun. I swear I got a dirty look from one of the Buildings and Grounds employees for my Dickinson College Sweatshirt.

Or that could’ve been because I ran in front of his lawnmower...

But I digress. Quiz in Freshman Writing followed by a Psychology test is never fun. Now I’m parked in the library until I finish my work or get hungry. That is the plan for the rest of today, working on essays until I die. Basically.

It’s not bad studying in the library though. Everybody basically leaves you alone, but are more than willing to help when you need it. There’s tons of reference books everywhere for help with my Twenty Page Paper, and some fiction books for when I need a break and cannot possibly reading another word having to do with either Homer or the Iliad. Urgh.

After I work on my Twenty Page Paper, I have a Psychology homework to edit, an Education essay to type up, find five fallacies in today’s society, and a core essay. One five hours of sleep. So much fun I can barely stand it.

To top everything off, it is pouring cats and dogs outside, and there’s supposed to be snow tonight. Two to four inches. I could stand today if it were sunny and forty degrees. But no. It has to be like thirty degrees and rainy. Blech.

I think all of this warrants a bit of retail therapy. Some new socks are in order I believe…

And now I am going to work on all of those assignments, leaving you with a few words of wisdom: Rain boots are your best friends at Elmira College.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tricky Weather and Sweet Treats

By: Paige Kleinfelder '14

I was shivering walking across campus yesterday with my arms folded and my coat pulled close around me. It was one of those moments I ask myself questions that would be pointless to ask someone else. “Why is it SO cold?” And then I realized that it was November 1st. It wasn’t September or even October anymore. All of the leaves have fallen off the tree outside my dorm room window, and I have requested that extra winter coats, gloves, and scarves be sent from home.

Besides being affected by the cold weather, I have realized that campus is starting to feel like a place I belong. For weeks, I felt labeled by the ‘14 that follows my name on every piece of paper I have to sign or hand in. But nine weeks into school, I am truly a part of EC.

One event this week in particular really showed me what the students here are able to do for the Elmira community, while also bringing together our own college community. There are a lot of events held by EC that bring specific groups together, whether it is a club, a dorm, a class, or a sport. This past week, Columbia dorm put on their annual trick-or-treat and haunted house. My roommate and I, along with two friends, passed out candy to the hundreds of children who stood in an endless line in and around our dorm. I love Halloween because of all the costumes that people think of or find. However, my favorite costume of the night was a staple for girls on Halloween: The Little Mermaid. There were other ones too: an amazingly intricate owl costume, a few boys being eaten by Jaws, numerous super heroes (I could proudly name every one), along with lots of vampires and monsters. There were dozens of faces that lit up as their bags filled higher with candy. My room was often full of laughter and comments about costumes, the long lines, and even the fire alarm that inconveniently went off during the night. It was a really fun night, and I am so glad I live in Columbia to be a part of the festivities.

Now that students of all ages have put away their costumes, eaten too much candy, and stayed up too late, it is time to get back to normal (with the addition of warmer coats).

Do the Wiggles actually live in Columbia Hall?!

By: Emily Oshinskie '14

It’s hard to say what I enjoyed more……watching the little kids parade down the hallway in their Buzz Light-Year and Scooby-Doo costumes or watching four of my friends dressed up as the Wiggles. Last Wednesday the halls of Columbia Hall opened for hundreds of kids to trick-or-treat and explore the Halloween Haunted House. As the little princesses passed by, the Wiggles would ask them if they knew each of their names. Some of the parents actually got all four! Now that’s worth an extra piece of candy!

The past week brought many trips, which have broadened my New York geography. Two of my friends and I headed up to the Ithaca State Theatre to see Guster in concert. If you like Wilco or Dispatch, then you’d probably enjoy listening to Guster. It was so awesome to see them live and a great first college concert to share with my friends. Then I travelled up to Rochester with Christian Fellowship for a weekend retreat. The 2 hour drive turned into a nearly 5 hour adventure when one of the cars broke down, but we had some serious bonding time at Sunoco. Little did we know as we drove into the city that the circus was in town….the next day we were headed out to lunch and all of a sudden we noticed that the street was blocked….all of a sudden, 6 or 8 elephants with headdresses appear out of nowhere! Elephants in Rochester?! Global Warming?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Little TLC Goes A Long Way

By: Rachel Masselle '14

After a very stressful week of midterms I returned home to see my family. It had been six weeks since I had seen any of them and I’ll admit I was feeling a little homesick. Not enough to make me not want to come back to Elmira, but just enough to make me want to return home and pay a visit before moving on with the next six weeks of the term. It worked! Their smiling faces were exactly what I needed to see to ease my overworked brain and cure any homesickness I felt.

My mom pampered me and did my laundry Friday night while I worked on some work for Freshman Writing. (No I am not lying I did actually do work over break). Then, Saturday my family came over for a dinner party. We ate sausage and meatballs while my family milked all the information about college life out of me. It was amazing to get to check in with one another and see how they were doing. Sunday was a homework and church day. I drove over to Woodside Presbyterian Church to give everyone a surprise visit. Then Monday morning I hung out with my Mom and Grandma. We had a little breakfast at IHOP and then spent an hour at Kohl’s. In the afternoon I went shopping at the mall with my best friend. It was so great to see her after such a long time apart. Tuesday I packed my bags and returned to Elmira.

It was hard to leave home. I didn’t realize how much I missed my home or my family and it was hard to say goodbye. But the minute I stepped onto the EC campus and saw all my friends the homesickness faded and I easily got back into the grove of college life. The break was over. More school work was in my immediate future.

I’m still having trouble balancing everything I have to do. Homework still piles up around me and the feeling of homesickness still pokes at my heart every once in awhile. Despite all these hardships (and more) I know I’m going to be fine. I’ve got an amazing family who supports and loves me every step of the way. As well as awesome friends here at EC who make me laugh when I need it most and provide a comfortable and safe place for me to go to. Without the support of all my friends and family I would never be able to handle everything I have to go through. It just goes to show that a little TLC goes a long way.