Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today is the first day where I actually feel like a college student.

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

It’s a weird feeling. For the past six months of my life, all I’ve been asked about is where I’m going to college, what I’m going to be studying, and how excited I am for it (I’m sure all can relate to this). But it’s never actually felt real to me. Packing my life into boxes to move into a tiny room, living with a roommate for the first time, saying good bye to my family and friends all kind of felt like I was in a dream state.

But today, it felt different. I woke up on the early side this morning, about 8 am. In college, that’s the equivalent of waking up at five thirty in the morning at home. I started my laundry (always a fun thing to do in college), and woke up the boyfriend, because he always needs to be kicked out of bed.

We went out to breakfast, just the two of us, both in Elmira sweatpants, and me wearing an Elmira hoodie. We decided to walk to the Business District of Elmira, in out college gear while carrying Starbucks coffee cups. That’s when it hit me. I’m in college. I’m at school. I’m living in the real world.

Ok. So maybe it’s not so much living in the real world, because I don’t have to pay for my living space and food, but still. You’re out on your own, you can do you want.

But I digress. Let’s get back on track.

I feel like a college student for the first time. It’s still with me now. As I’m typing this, I’m in the Gannett-Trip Library, listening to the bell tower toll the time, and drinking coffee. There are piles of books on the table, blocking my view of my boyfriend. It’s a nice feeling, kind of giving me the warm fuzzies. The only thing that does not make me feel like a college student is the fact that I’m listening to Disney music right now.

No matter where I am, or how old I am, I will never give up my Classic Disney music.

Because no matter how old I feel, I will always be a little kid at heart.

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