Monday, October 18, 2010

Mental Meltdown

By: Rachel Masselle '14
Have you ever seen movies where the high school students go off to college and they party all the time and there life seems stress free? Hollywood portrays college as one big party, but I’m going to tell you the truth. Hollywood lies! The truth is that between studying for midterms, keeping up with homework for classes, and working on your twenty-page paper you feel like you’re going insane. You’re life is anything, but stress free. In fact, college is like a newborn baby. It demands all your attention and if you don’t pay attention to it for one minute all hell breaks loose!

I worked from one o’clock Thursday afternoon to about five o’clock Friday morning on papers I had to write for two classes. Although I tried to avoid writing two papers in one sitting it was inevitable that I would get caught in this bind. The problem is that there is so much work to do outside the papers that need to be written (such as readings, small projects, and studying) that there is no time to work on the papers until later in the week. This completely backs me up with work, so that on Thursday nights I’m always staying up late rushing to get the papers done. Although, the night before Midterm Break was my first all nighter.

On top of that I try to get any homework assignments for over the weekend done so that I can have at least a semblance of a social life on the weekends. Then when I do hang out with my friends on a Friday or Saturday night I’m left with a pile of homework on Monday for my Freshman Writing class and the whole vicious cycle starts over again. It’s positively infuriating!

Luckily, this weekend we have Midterm Break, so I’ll be able to get a little TLC from my family and unwind from the stress I’ve been feeling recently. Hopefully on Tuesday I’ll return to EC refreshed and ready to continue on for the next six weeks of college.


  1. Great blog....College is alot more than parties...Thanks for reminding people of that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice Blog Post! Keep studying and stay focused. Keep pursuing your dreams.

  4. Thanks for the great blog. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next one.
