Thursday, October 21, 2010


By: Sarah Schwadron '14

Being at college for a little over a month has taught me a few things. Some serious, some funny, and some that are really, REALLY obvious. So I thought to write down the top twenty things that help to make college go along a bit more smoothly.

  1. Always wear shoes when walking into the bathroom.
    If you think about it, it’s gross to walk in there with nothing on your feet.

  2. Bring your ID with you, no matter if you’re on campus or not.
    You never know, some places could give you discounts.

  3. Whenever you leave your room, always remember your keys.
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been locked out accidentally.

  4. If you think you’ve forgotten something, chances are, you probably did.
    Yeah. This one doesn’t need explaining.

  5. Bring textbooks to class.
    You can show everybody up by looking for the answers. And then *gasp!* you actually learn!

  6. Coffee, coffee, coffee!!
    Lattes keep me alive on Thursday mornings. True. Story.

  7. Going out the night before an 8 am writing class is generally not a good idea. Even if the club has free admission.
    My roomie found this out the hard way.

  8. Apples are the best breakfast ever.
    You make relatively no mess eating them, they can be thrown out almost anywhere, they taste good, they’re cheap, they’re easy to carry, and of course they’re healthy!

  9. Bring your towels into the bathroom before you shower.
    Trust me on this. It’s a very bad walk to your room if you don’t.

  10. The gym is the best place to work off stress. If you’ve broken a bone, smack a pillow.
    You will need to do this to beat the dreaded college weight gain.

  11. NEVER turn away free food from friends or family.
    Before school started, after Orientation, me and my roomie had snuck about a cases worth of Elmira water bottles into our fridge. It was so nice.

  12. Always check your email before you leave for class.
    It sucks to get to a class just to find out that the professor cancelled it right beforehand.

  13. Naps are the best things ever.
    Never know what to do with that random hour break between classes? Nap through it! Just don’t nap in class.

  14. It’s ok to eat dinner at 11 pm every night.
    If you’re hungry, eat!

  15. The library is a very underrated place to study.
    It’s quiet, plus there’s sooooo many research materials available. They kind of distract you from facebook. A little bit.

  16. Do laundry every week. Seriously.
    Clean clothes are just better.

  17. Short hair is definitely easier when it comes to dorm showers.
    Before I cut my hair, I had to take twenty minute showers just to get all the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair. Now, I can take five minutes because it comes out soooo much easier.

  18. Your hand sanitizer is your best friend.
    You smell prettier wearing it, and you protect yourself from sickness. What’s not to like?

  19. It’s ok to wear the same jeans that you wore the day before.
    Especially if you wake up with three minutes to get to class.

  20. Have fun. You’re only in college once…hopefully.

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