Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You know you go to Elmira College when…

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

-your rain boots are your best friends.
-you don’t think twice about that fact someone is cutting grass in the rain.
-the thought about everything being purple doesn’t scare you.
-actually, you’re the person that came up with the idea to spray paint everything purple.
-you think it’s weird not to the see the president of your school on a daily basis.
-singing is part of your daily routine.
-your rain boots and Uggs are your best friends.
-you tell time by the chimes of the bell tower instead of looking at the clock.
-you think a hexagon has too few sides.
-the school color is gold, not yellow.
-you automatically put your class year at the end of your name, no matter what you are signing.
-you know that desserts are the best part of the meal.
-your rain boots, uggs, and student I.D’s are your best friends.
-you know the exact angle that the Soaring Eagle needs to be at on anything.
-you know not to walk around the campus without a buddy after 10pm
. -Mark Twain is the best writer that ever existed.
-you’ve gone swimming in the fountain.
-hockey is the best sport you’ve ever seen/played.
-you look in the mirror, and wonder why you look so weird, and then you realize it’s because you aren’t wearing any purple or gold.
-the iris is the best flower ever.
-you can describe an iris to anyone.
-your rain boots, uggs, student I.D.’s and a fuzzy jacket are your best friends.
-you freak out that other colleges don’t have a school shape.
-you hear snapping and you immediately start singing Simeon Benjamin.
-you cannot tell military time, but you know when 1855 is.
-you try to impress your date by taking her to Simeon’s.
-you are actually impressed by a date at Simeon’s.
-there is a field trip and the bus willing starts to sing.
-you know all the worlds to all of the Campus songs, but you cannot remember what you had for breakfast.
-you met your best friends by complaining about freshman writing.
-you know and can use all the forms of rhetoric there ever where, but cannot think of a time you would ever use any of it.
-you actually understand rhetoric.
-you realize that there is no other place where you want to be (at least, while classes are in session)

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