Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year… New Term… New Me

By: Rachel Masselle '14

I have never been one for New Years Resolutions. It seems that no matter how many of them I made in the past they were forgotten in a week’s time and never fulfilled. As a result I stopped making them…until this year when I made two. They are:

1) Shed a few pounds

Although I haven’t gained the famous freshman fifteen I have gained at least ten pounds since entering Elmira College. The school does offer some healthy choices, but it also offers the fried and greasy foods, which I always went after. Also, I didn’t get up and move around a whole lot First Term. Instead, I chose to sit in front of my computer screen and do homework or play video games. Well, no more of that! The time to start eating healthier and exercise more is now, before my weight gets too out of hand.

2) Learn to balance college better

It is no secret, to my friends or to my family, that towards the end of the First Term I was spending more time with my friends and less time working on actual homework. Not that I didn’t get good grades or finish the work required for class. I just had to stay up late to finish it because I spent all day hanging out in my friend’s room. Then I would get all stressed and curse myself for waiting until the last minute to get my work done. Although I ended the Term with a 3.2 GPA I know I can do better. I just have to put my mind to it.

With a strong foundation of moral support from friends and family, self-discipline, and a little luck I hope to keep up with these two New Years Resolutions. I’ve already started toward the first one, by working out in the gym after my parent’s left. As for the latter resolution my friends and I decided that since there was no work to be done until tomorrow we should celebrate the beginning of the Second Term with a reunion dinner in the Campus Center and then some Disney Karaoke. With big smiles and a few laughs we welcomed in the new term and all the trials and joys that will follow.

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog. You are an inspiration. It's awesome that you got all of that figured out in one semester.
    Thank you.....
