Monday, January 10, 2011

Expanding Musical Taste

By: Tyler Cuddeback '14

I was hanging out with some friends the other day and one of my buddies kept trying to get me to listen to this rapper Asher Roth. Asher Roth's most famous song is "I Love College". I've heard it before. It’s an ok song, but the other stuff of his I have heard kind of turned me off to the rapper. But my friend Ari, the guy that got me to listen to Roth again, baited me in with this song. I think you might enjoy it. The beat for it is very simple because there really is no need for music. It’s almost a slam poem more than a rap, but I feel like it personifies what I feel a college educated person should be like. Understanding. Well Rounded. Accepting.

I’m going to just put in the last few lines of the song that really got to me.

…What if, I was picked for grave? Sick for days? Aged to be sick with aids?
Would you listen to my story that I swear is touching,
Or just, blank stare cause you're scared to touch me?
If I'm, Jewish or Christian does it affect your decision to,
See past religion and simply listen to wisdom?
Would you, really listen to my views on the government
If my, raps were democrat and yours are republican?
Whether I'm black or white, gay, straight, hermaphrodite,
Half the time trash the light and we all act alike.
So, pass the mic, don't assist being ignorant,
Unclench your fist for a bit and just listen.

Just Listen. Isn’t that what the point of a diverse liberal arts college is? We have people from over 30 US states and just as many foreign countries on campus. We live with them. We eat with them. Some of us are friends with them. So wouldn’t it benefit us to listen to them?

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