Monday, April 18, 2011

The Wonderful Life of a College Student

By: Sarah Schwadron '14

Oh finals week. How I adore you. Oh wait. I actually don’t. Bummer for you.

Finals Week at the end of the winter term is probably worse than Finals week in the fall term. Then, the weather is horrible and all you want to do is curl up with a nice hot beverage and comfortable blankets and pillows and stay inside with a group of wonderful friends. Of course, this usually leads to more talking that actual work or studying, but hey. Studying through osmosis is a college student’s best friend.

Now, with the nice weather on campus (ok… so maybe not today with the rain we’ve been having) no one wants to stay inside. Walking over to work at the GTL on Monday was horrible. I got to see so many people outside on their laptops, chatting and laughing with their friends while had to go sit in the dungeon for the next two and a half hours.

My friends were among the groups of people spread out about campus, and they said they all got no work done. I didn’t either, but I earned money. So maybe it evens out?

Since we all have not been getting any work done, we have implemented a rewards system to basically bribe ourselves into studying. Whenever we are all done with studying for a night (usually coincides with someone yelling out curse words across the room, somebody else curled up in the fetal position, another person asleep UNDERNEATH a bed, and one other person making lewd gestures with a couple of stuffed animals) we’ll go out for meal. And it’s not just any meal. A big Denny’s dinner at 1 in the morning.

Since when do college students do anything at normal hours, anyway?

It’s always fun being there when the rest of the normal population is asleep. They don’t look at you weird when you start singing show tunes in the restaurant. Or throw things at each other. Or take out your laptop to finish the paper that was due at midnight (for my mom, who is probably reading this, no, that was not me =]).

Any which way you slice it, it was a great time. And a tradition for us now.

The only fun thing was not being able to open up my room when I got back to campus. My key would literally not fit into the lock. Thankfully, my RA was up and unlocked it for me (I have no roommate, by the way).

I guess there is a bright side to finals week after all…

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